Here you will find answers to all your most frequently asked questions about booking, your stay and the services we offer.


  • How can I change my booking?

    To change your booking please contact us by email at hello@hamacsuites.com

    We will reply as soon as possible.

  • What are the cancellation conditions?

    You can change or cancel your reservation up to 14 days before the day of your arrival free of charge.

    After this period, you will be charged 50% of the price of your stay.

    Reservation not refundable 72 hours before arrival.

    To cancel your stay you can send us an e-mail or contact us by phone at 06 45 39 75 98.

  • Is it possible to pay by deferred payment?

    No. The balance is taken at the time of booking.

  • Where can I get an invoice ?

    To get your invoice, you must make a request by sending an e-mail to melike@hamacsuites.com.

The stay

  • If I arrive early, where can I drop my bags?

    We are in partnership with the company Lockairoom which offers a connected luggage service.

    To reserve your luggage locker, please click on the following link: www.lockairoom.com

    Drop your bags off and enjoy the city without your bags until check-in time!

  • How can I make the most of my stay ?

    Hamac Suites offers you a la carte services:

    • Breakfast delivered to the door.
    • Airport/station transfer with private driver.
    • Babysitting.
    • Massage session at home.
    • Sports coach at home.
    • Champagne/chilled wine on arrival.
    • Extra cleaning.
  • When do I receive my housing access instructions ?

    Dear travelers, we commit ourselves to send you the access instructions by email on the day of your arrival and only from 3:00 pm (general time of each check-in), except for some exceptions.

    Why do we do this?

    Depending on the check-out time of the previous traveler, which is between 11:00 am and 1:30 pm, the housekeeping team will return the accommodation to you in the same condition.

    As soon as the suite is ready to welcome you, you will receive the necessary information in your mailbox 🙂


Our Special Conditions

  • Do we have the right to animals ?

    Pets are not allowed in our Hamac Suites.

    We thank you for your understanding.

  • Can we have a party in the apartment ?


    It is strictly forbidden to plan a party in the Hamac Suites accommodations.

    We ask that you do not make excessive noise in order to respect the neighborhood. We also ask our travelers to respect the premises.

    Otherwise, the full deposit will be withdrawn.

    We thank you for your understanding.

  • What happens if I leave after check-out time ?

    Late departures are charged 30 € / hour.

    Any hour started is due.

    We have a cleaning team that comes right after your departure in order to welcome the next travelers in the best conditions.

    We thank you for your understanding.

If you haven't found your answer?
please contact us!

insta +33 06 42 98 00 99 insta hello@hamacsuites.com